News da oltre confine: l’Istituto Rosenberg coinvolge oltre 100 studenti in una corsa di raccolta fondi per Dynamo

Ad aprile gli studenti dell’Istituto Rosenberg, una boarding school internazionale, fondata nel 1889 a St. Gallen (Svizzera), hanno organizzato la corsa di raccolta fondi “From Rosenberg to Rome and Back” a sostegno di Dynamo Camp. Gli studenti del corso di giornalismo hanno descritto così l’iniziativa, in un articolo che vi riportiamo interamente in lingua originale!

On Saturday, 22 April 2017 students of Institut auf dem Rosenberg organised a charity FunRun to raise funds for Dynamo Camps - an organisation specializing in providing summer camps for children with serious illnesses.

More than 100 students took part in the FunRun “From Rosenberg to Rome and Back”.
Completing 17 laps of St Gallen’s Kreuzbleiche Park, a total distance of 11.9km.
The event was organised by the Volunteering and Charity co-curricular group of the school and is the first of several events to be held from Spring 2017 to Autumn 2017.

All students, aged from 13 to 18 years, participated in the success of the event; those who were not running provided some much-needed fuel for the runners with snacks drinks and most importantly moral support.
Alex (17) from Siberia said of the day: “It was hot day, which made the run harder, but I felt a great sense of achievement at the end - as well as the pain of a twisted knee! lt felt good to be part of such a worthwhile event.

Nadia (15) from Moscow said: “It was a great experience for me because I love running. All of my friends were in my group and even though the run was hard we didn't feel it because we had a lot of fun together”.
Margarita (16) from Samara said: “I was a was a volunteer at the fun run. We gave support to the runners by choosing music to add to the atmosphere and give some energy to the runners  when they felt tired.  It was lot of fun and it brought us all together by helping eachother”. Students ran in groups, which they chose themselves, cheered on by a mentor who kept a close eye on the participants to ensure they completed the course.
Irantzu (18) from Germany and Saidolim (18) from Uzbekistan won first prize for completing the run in the fastest time. Prizes were also handed out for second and third place, donated by the charity.

The aim of the FunRun and other sports activities, is to accumulate 1,800 “running-kilometers” or “played-kilometres” - the same distance as from the city St. Gallen to Rome and back.

Through generous donations to support these “Serious Fun” challenges, the students have set their goals to raise 22,500 euros and enable the participation of 15 more children in the Dynamo Summer Camp by the summer of 2018.

Collaborating in these community events, is the charity and volunteering group PIECES from University of St Gallen (HSG), one of Switzerland’s leading business schools.

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