Dynamo Camp hosts children from 6 to 17 years with serious and chronic pathologies who are both in therapy and in the post hospitalization stage free of charge. Dynamo Camp also offers programmes designed ad hoc for the whole family and programmes for the healthy brothers and sisters in the awareness that an illness does not just affect the sick child, but the whole family.
Dynamo Camp is free of charge for children from 6 to 17 years with onco-haematological pathologies who are both in therapy and in the post hospitalization stage. These programmes are designed and organized solely for minors who attend the camp unaccompanied. Among the pathologies hosted there are: oncological, haematological (thalassaemia, haemophilia, anaemia, drepanocytosis, thrombopenias), spina bifida, chronic inflammatory diseases of the intestine, rheumatologic pathologies and hemiparesis. NB: we do not host the following pathologies in these sessions: autism, epilepsy, psycho-motor retardation, downs syndrome, mental diseases and various behavioural problems.
The Camp also offers specific programmes for the entire household – parents and healthy siblings included – with the aim of offering an experience of fun and meeting to all the family which has had to confront the delicate situation of an illness. To date, the following pathologies have been admitted: neurological pathologies, diabetes and rare syndromes (those indicated by the Dynamo Camp Scientific and Medical Committee). This usually involves programmes lasting 3 days, a weekend from Friday to Sunday. These sessions are assigned by Dynamo Camp to health centres and/or reference associations based on the criteria shown below:
Dynamo Camp is completely free to decide which pathologies and reference associations to assign the sessions from year to year based on its own requirements and organizational capacities.